Saturday, 14 March 2015

Govt lax on albino killings, critics say

The resumption of attacks on Albinos this year have reenforced allegations that wichdoctors use use body parts of albino’s to make spells bring good luck and can, allegedly, be used to conjure up votes and help politicians win elections, stakeholders say.
Speaking to Political Platform on various ocassions politicians and activists urged the governemnt to step up efforts to nab the culprits and prevent more attacks to albinos from happening. The kidnaps and killings of albino have brought interntional condemnation and affected Tanzania’s image abroad.
Of late an albino toddler was kidnapped in Geita region and later found buried in a shallow grave with all his limbs cut off in a forest in Biharamulo, Kagera region. Unknown attackers broke into the house and slashed the child’s mother with machetes before snatching the one-and-half-year-old Yohana Bahati late last month.
The mother is still admitted at the Bugando hospital. A four-year-old albino girl was abducted in December a village in Mwanza region is still missing but 14 people have now been arrested. Following the abduction the government banned witchdoctors as part of a nationwide operation to clamp down on attacks on people living with albinism.
At least 75 albinos have been murdered in the country in the past 15 years. About 56 attacked albinos cheated death while 11 have were inflicted permanent injuries.
Kondo Seif Public Education official from the Under the Same Sun (UTSS) organisation, an NGO created to defend the rights of albinos in the country, says he has noted that albino attacks usually increase close or in election years.
He admits, however, that there is conclusive proof that indicate that politicians use magical spells concocted out of albino body parts, but say he has not failed to notice an increase in attacks or attempted attacks on albino in elections years.
“In fact it has been the trend since 2005 and 2010 the years that the country held General Elections,” Mr Kondo noted.
The minister of Home Affairs Mathias Chikawe has been reported saying while there are indications that albino parts are used by witchdoctors to help bring goodluck to their “clients” there is no proof that politicians are also the beneficiaries.
It is, however, well known that some politicians have a tendency of seeking the “aid” of witchdoctors in their political undertakings.
About four people were charged last week at the high cort in Mwanza over the murder of an albino woman six years ago in Geita but stakeholders say it is too little too late.

The four, who pleaded not guilty, are accused of killing the 22-year-old Zawadi Magindu at Nyamalulu village in Geita in November 2008 and cutting off her legs and one arm.

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